Monday, April 11, 2016

American Horror Story Hotel Episode 12 "Be Our Guest" Review

Iris and Liz oversee a new era at the Cortez. John and Alex struggle to adapt to live outside the hotel.

This was a really great ending episode that was definitely better than I was expecting it to be. Iris and Liz winning over all the ghost in the hotel and convincing them to stop killing people was really cool especially how they went about dealing with the two hard to crack people Sally and Will. I like that they got Sally to stop by getting her a phone and a social life through the internet so she actually had friends and not have to kill to gain friends. Then with Will Drake, Liz taking over the face of his fashion industry so he could create and still do something like he had once done and how they all went about it was really cool. Bringing Billie the median in to talk with some of the ghosts was really sweet with the moment with Iris, but I also could see how all the other ghost got really annoyed by her really fat. I was expecting to see more of John, Alex, and their family but the moments that they did have were really great especially all the devils night stuff. Overall I really enjoyed this season and it definitely wasn't the greatest season but better than some.

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