Monday, April 11, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 10 "Blood Debts" Review

Oliver must deal with the devastating consequences of Darhk's last attack. Seeking revenge, Oliver goes on a brutal manhunt looking for Dahrk.

This was a really great episode to come back after the holiday break especially after how the last one ended with such a cliffhanger. Bringing back the Anarchist was a really cool idea especially to go and mess with Speedy's head a bit because of what she did to him in the past. It was a little annoying that team arrow seemed to be working together but also not and really turning on each other constantly. It was a little scary and sad when Oliver went up to Lance and Lance said the statement about the fact that Oliver is killing people again and Oliver really didn't seem to react to that fact at all. The moments between Diggle and his brother was really nice especially when his wife finally told him to stop treating him like the enemy and treat him like your brother. And that's really all it took for them to start talking to each other. Everything with Felicity was really sad but it's nice that at least she is still alive and it was a sweet moment when Oliver gave her the engagement ring back. Overall this was a really great episode and I'm curious to see how things will go now that Darhk has to keep it in the back of his mind that Oliver saved his family.

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