Sunday, April 3, 2016

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 13 "Labor of Love" Review

The heroes join forces with an old friend of Snow's to defeat an obstacle standing in the way of finding Hook. Meanwhile, Hook encounters challenges of his own.

This was a really awesome and fun episode that I absolutely loved. This whole episode revolved around Hercules and his adventure of trying to complete all the things he needs to in order to get to Olympus. Hercules was an amazing character that I absolutely loved and I really hope that he will come back to help out in future. The idea that this second half of the season seems to be about which is helping this lost souls complete there unfinished business is a very interesting storyline but I don't know how many episodes they can drag that out for. I wish that we could see a little bit more of Hook and what is going on with him and Hades. I did like the ending bit where Hades makes the deal with Hook that from now on when ever the team saves a soul Hook has to go and pick one of them to stay behind in the underworld, and I'm very curious to see where that plot leads. Over all I really loved this episode and it definitely is one of my favorites.

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