Monday, March 25, 2019

Midnight Texas Season 2 Episode 5 "Drown the Sadness In Chardonnay" Review

Lem makes a shocking decision; Olivia's past comes back to haunt her; Fiji seeks outside help from her fellow Light Witches; A suicide pits Manfred and Kai against one another.

This was a really confusing episode that was entertaining to watch and had some good moments to it. Everything with Lem in this episode was just odd with his decision to stop being a vampire so that he can have a family with Olivia and everything else that he wants. Then everything with Olivia in this episode was just weird with her finally confronting her father and finding out that he is still stuck living in the past to live where he felt happiest. How Olivia got stuck in her fathers trap and how Lem and others got her out of it was a little confusing, rushed, and felt like they were trying to wrap up everything they set up.

Fiji's parts in this episode were great with the truth coming out about her curse and why she is the way she is. That truth is that she is actually a dark witch and not a light one was a great reveal but a little confusing. Because why would that be a secret to her and if her own family didn't know how could they not. I feel the difference between a dark witch and light witch should be easily seen so it is known. Then it was also confusing how Fiji was all the sudden a master at dark magic once she realized she had it.

Then the moments with Manfred and Patients really felt like it should have been its own episode because it also felt a little rushed when trying to compete with the Olivia storyline. I did enjoy Manfred trying to figure out the mystery of why this girl killed her self and figuring out that she was actually murdered by her friend. And how all these things lead back to the idea of no one can escape from Kai was great with how it is becoming known that Manfred and Patients are in a relationship. Then just overall this was a really entertaining episode that was a little hard to follow but it had a nice couple of storyline to it.  

Riverdale Season 3 Episode 6 "Chapter Forty-One: Manhunter" Review

Betty follows some strong leads in hopes of finding out who the true Gargoyle King is; Veronica's attempt to prove Archie's innocence lands her in hot water.

This was a very confusing and a real mess of an episode that was kind of hard to follow and really felt like they were trying to just connect events all in the hopes to start tying up all of the storylines they have set up. Everything with Betty in this episode was just a mess with her working to find out who did the original poisoning during the Midnight Clubs events. And everything with Penelope is just confusing being her motivations and actions just don't make any sense. Then everything with Jughead is just out there with him continuing to follow leads to bring him the Gargoyle King. I did enjoy the moments with them confronting Joaquin and learning a bit more about the in's and out's of the game that they haven't gotten to yet. Veronica's moments in this episode were just odd with her looking into freeing Archie and the evidence she found was just way to easy and her confrontation with her father made very little sense. Then Archie's actions in this episode were just odd where he went to confront the other kids who accused him only to find them dead at Hiram's hand. Then just overall this was a confusing episode that felt like a bit of a mess with how it was all put together. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Flash Season 5 Episode 7 "O Come, All Ye Faithful" Review

While Nora grapples with unresolved anger over her father's disappearance in the future, Barry and Team Flash must stop a powerful new meta, Weather Witch, from killing her own father, Weather Wizard.

This was a really great episode that was so much fun to watch and see how everything turned out. Everything with Weather Witch was interesting to see with her going through all these different things in order to gain the chance to kill her father. The meta-tech that Weather Witch had was also cool with her having this staff made from broken weather radar parts that now helps her control the weather. Then seeing Nora throughout this episode was interesting with her having this growing fear of losing her father so she is doing a lot to try and protect him. One of her ways to stop him was well done with her comment being the best way to stop him from getting hurt is to have Barry stop being The Flash. That was really interesting to hear because it was true but then seeing Barry showing that he truly loves being a hero and having Nora see that he needs to be a hero was all well done. Then just overall this was an entertaining episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 9 "The Ties That Bind" Review

After a 16-year-old kidnap victim escapes her captors, her parents hire Magnum, who experienced similar trauma as a POW, to find who took her.

This was a really great episode that was so interesting to watch and see how everything turned out. Everything with Amanda was very interesting with her working through all the pain of what happened to help to then be able to help Magnum track down her kidnapper. And the truth comes out more about Magnum's experiences in the POW camp was interesting to see how Higgins reacted to everything. Then the part about locating was Amanda was being held was interesting with the police searches ended up going in the wrong direction and that is why they could never find her. Then the whole truth that the reason the kidnappers took Amanda was to get her father to kill someone he had access to was an interesting twist to the story. And how Magnum managed to save the day and stop things from going bad was all just entertaining to see. Then just overall this was a really well-done episode that was so entertaining to watch.

Manifest Season 1 Episode 8 "Point of No Return" Review

Ben forms an unlikely partnership with Vance in a high-stakes race to locate the missing passengers; Michaela helps a suicidal passenger; Cal goes back to school.

This was a really entertaining episode that had a good storyline to it and it was interesting to see how everything turned out. The moments between Vance and Ben were interesting with Ben continuing to try and locate the facility that the missing passengers are being held at. It was especially great in how Ben gathered information and what other passengers were willing to help Ben and Vance out. Then it was interesting to see how much other groups are hiding from Vance and the NSA. Everything with Michaela and her adventure through this episode was interesting with her finding a possible connection between telling people about the callings and those same people ending up dead shortly after. How Michaela and Ben reacted to this news and what they did to protect those they care about and working to figure out if trouble is coming or not was just all really interesting. Then Cal going back to school was just really sweet with some of his old friends gathering up to have a good time with him again. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm so excited to see what will happen next. 

Charmed Season 1 Episode 6 "Kappa Spirit" Review

As Maggie attempts to make amends with Lucy, she asks for Mel's help to figure out who the new Kappa member is.

This was a really entertaining episode that was so much fun to watch how everything turned out. Everything with Maggie was the main part of this episode and it was so entertaining but also a little confusing. I enjoyed this vengeful spirit working with Lucy and driving a bigger wedge between Maggie and Lucy. The confusing part came when Maggie was trying to identify which type of ghost this spirit is and she needed this book and all this help the first time around but then later she just switched her mind to a whole different section of ghost and had all this information on how to stop them without any help. Then Mel and Maggie going back in time and encountering there mother when she was pregnant with Macy made a good push forward in the storyline around the mystery of Macy. Then Macy looking more into the mark on Galvin and getting Harry's help on it was fun to see Harry interacting with Macy's friends and trying to figure out what is going on with Galvin. Then just overall this was a really fun episode that was so interesting to watch.

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 7 "Rather the Fallen Angel" Review

James falls in deeper with the Children of Liberty in his efforts to meet Agent Liberty. Meanwhile, Supergirl and Manchester Black follow a lead on Agent Liberty's location, but things take a dark turn. Lena kicks off her first set of trials.

This was a really good and interesting episode that had some very entertaining moments to it. Everything with Kara in this episode was interesting with Manchester Black going against Supergirl's back to try and get closer to Agent Liberty faster. Then the whole scene with her being locked inside the monument was interesting with what all she did to alert James of her presence. Then James continuing to befriend the Children of Liberty and having to go through this big action to prove his loyalty and save his friends was all really well done. Especially in his actions when he finally decided to turn away from the Children of Liberty and fight against them in a way that saved both of his friends. Then everything with Lena was so well done with her going through these first human trails of her new serum. How she chose to approach the situation at first was very interesting with Lena choosing to only call the patient by his code number but then growing to become more familiar and friendly with the patient and suffering a bit when he eventually dies from the serum. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode to watch and see how everything turned out. 

Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 4 "Wet Hot American Bummer" Review

When the Legends discover that kids at a summer camp have disappeared, Sara, Ava, Ray, and Constantine find themselves as the new camp counselors. At camp, Ava struggles to get along with the kids, but Constantine whips up a potion that helps Sara and Ava bond with the children. Luckily, the team finds clues to the whereabouts of the missing kids, but the battle to save them leaves one member in bad shape. Meanwhile, Rory and Zari are tasked with watching the fugitive and Rory finds a kinship with their "prisoner."

This was a really fun and entertaining episode that had a fun storyline to it and it was interesting to see how all the different characters dealt with the situations they feel into. Everything with Ava and Sara was interesting with there different approaches to trying to get information out of the kids. Then the plot around Ava finally getting to experience what it is like to be a kid and how that played into them finding the monster was great. Then seeing Ray and Constantine try and work together was so much fun with how much there personalities clashes. Then the witch who is the monster in this episode was really confusing because they did all this set up saying that the witch is female just to then switch things up and have the witch actually be male was so odd and confusing to follow. Everything with Rory and Zari was interesting with them getting to know Charlie more and figuring out where she stands with the team and really stepping up to help everyone identify that monster. Then just overall this was a really entertaining episode that was so much fun to watch.

Midnight Texas Season 2 Episode 4 "I Put a Spell on You" Review

The Midnighters join forces to protect a weretiger; Fiji takes extreme measures to save Bobo; Patience and Manfred bond over relationship troubles.

This was an okay episode that had some good moments to it but it did get a little long and confusing at points. The whole story with the baby weretiger and Olivia working to take care of it and truly understanding what it's like to have a normal family did make for an interesting storyline for this episode. But everything else around this baby weretiger was really confusing where the mother to this weretiger was looking for the Rev but it was never explained how she knew the Rev or why he was the one she went to for help. Then the whole weretiger family tree between the mother, grandmother, and father of this baby weretiger made no sense to me because they had it as the father being weretiger but never really explaining what the mother or grandmother was besides being the owners of this fighting ring of supernatural creatures. So then the confusing part to me is, did the mother go against the grandmother's wishes and have a child with this weretiger that she was imprisoning or did the grandmother pushed the mother to have a child with the weretiger. Then everything with Fiji was interesting with her wiping his memory of everything that happened between the two of them but things not working out because the fact of their love and attraction being too strong that no magic can stop it so the ending of her turning him into a dog was interesting to see. Then everything with Manfred and Patience was okay but a little confusing and felt a bit like it was adding more drama than what was necessary. Then just overall this was a really fun episode that had a good storyline to it, it just felt like they were missing pieces to the story.