Monday, August 21, 2017

Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4 "Sexy Beast" Review

Manfred's ability to see the dead leads him to uncover an ancient supernatural who seduces and feeds on men; Bobo must confront the dangerous bikers who threaten to expose his past.

This was such a fun and really interesting episode that had a lot of really fun moments to it. I did really enjoy that kind of separation at the beginning of this episode between the succubus and Manfred and just having him slowly discover the succubus instead of it being something that is fully suddenly thrown into his life. And just watching all the teamwork that all the main characters did in this episode to work to try and catch the succubus was a lot of fun actually see what they all do working together. And the moments between Bobo and Fiji was interesting to see with them coming to conclusions that they do have interest in each other. Then the moments with Creek and Connor were great with seeing Connor try to protect his older sister and find out the truth about Manfred. Then everything with Olivia and Lem was great with finding a bit more about Olivia's past and how Lem sort of fit into it. And with all the conclusions that came out of the end of this episode and where it left off for everyone, I'm super excited to see what's going to happen next. So overall this was a really great and really entertaining episode to watch.

Will Season 1 Episode 7 "What Dreams May Come"

The theatre is jeopardized so Will enlists help from a beautiful and talented friend.

This was a really great and interesting episode that was so entertaining to watch and see how everything played out. And I really enjoyed that a big chunk of this episode was all about Will's creation of A Midsummer Night's Dream and all the different problems that came with it. And the story around the Presto in this episode was actually slightly more interesting to see him and making this connection between him and Will, by having them both have some sort of seeking for revenge and them working together on creating that. And the actual performance and everything around trying to gain this money to save the theater was really great and fun especially when Richard was confronted by the woman they're supposed to be wooing and he actually turned her down which was a complete change of character that I really enjoyed seeing that development in him. Then the moments with Marlowe in this episode we're actually really interesting and fun with everyone finally settling on the conclusion for him that one of his main problems is that he has no beliefs and no faith in anything so that's what's really preventing him from creating and believing and just all of what came out of that was really interesting and I'm very interested in seeing what they might do with this play that he's created about the devil and what problems that may come because the devil isn't supposed to be a character that is shown so I'm excited to see that. And overall this episode was so entertaining and so fun to watch and had a lot of really great moments to it.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 3 "Lemuel, Unchained" Review

A deadly nest of vampires arrives in Midnight, eager to reunite with Lem, Manfred suspects there's more to their arrival and joins forces with Olivia.

This was a really interesting episode that had some great moments but had kind of an odd feeling to it overall. I didn't quite like the idea of having these vampires coming to Midnight because even in the show they talk about how other vampires actively avoid coming to Midnight in fear of Lem but these vampires just walk in like they own the place so that was really weird. Then this episode did feel a bit off with them trying to include all of the main characters in some way and that kind of caused a very jumbled feeling to everything. I did really like how they used the safe havens like the church and Manfred and Fiji's houses as places to hide from the vampires because they all have a spell on them that prevents evil from crossing inside. It was really interesting to see how these vampires operated by having them not just go out and suck random peoples blood but instead have them take from people who volunteer themselves. I did really like how much of a pivotal role Olivia played in this episode in the goals to protect Lem. Then the final sort of battle between the people of Midnight and the vampires was really cool especially seeing what Manfred did to help everyone out. And just overall this was a really entertaining episode that did have a few rough moments around its edges.   

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Will Season 1 Episode 6 "Something Wicked This Way Comes" Review

Tensions rise as Will and Alice continue to collaborate, while Anne attempts to adjust to London life. Love forces Marlowe to confront his darkest fears. Presto is forced to confront true evil.

This was a really interesting episode that did feel kind of long and a bit boring but it did have some really great moments in it that were interesting to see. I was kind of cool to see Alice and Will trying to move on for one an other and find their own lives. With that, I liked the moments with Alice trying to be happy with her potential husband but that fiance knows the truth about her feelings. Then the scene where Will had to confront Alice to try and get her to stay away from him and he called her so many bad things because Alice's mother told him to was so sad and great. Then all the moments with Anne and the family trying to adjust to London had some really great moments and some really sad moments. How this episode ended for Anne and the family was really sad but also kind of nice because Anne told Will that she is proud of him and that he is a great writer which I think is something he needed to hear from her. Then with Marlowe, it was interesting to see this other side of him in this episode as he watched his love slip away from him. And Presto actually had a kind of interesting story around him even though I still feel it is really unnecessary for the bigger story plot going on. And just overall this was a really entertaining episode with some great moments but it wasn't super interesting. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 2 "Bad Moon Rising" Review

Manfred tries to help Bobo clear his name by talking to the murdered victim with Joe's help; Lem and Olivia set out to stop a deadly predator before it kills again.

This was a really interesting episode that was really entertaining to watch and see how the story progressed and where it left off everyone as well as introducing a bit more of each of the characters. And I really enjoyed the scenes with Fiji doing the exorcism on Manfred's house. And all the mess that comes out of that and it is a bit of a side story to the main things which is really fun to have like all the sudden go back to Fiji getting beaten up by ghosts in the house. And then learning a bit more about the preacher and the fact of what supernatural being he is which is like some sort of shape shifter that can really only take on the form of one creature but seeing him sort of have to deal with that and the fact that it was a full moon or something like that that he had to change forms and everyone in town being aware of that and being there to  help him to not kill anyone was just interesting and entertaining to see. And I really just love seeing this whole town work together and that whenever someone had a problem the others would be there to help them out. And I just really love how they had ended with like all these different threats sort of on Midnight Texas and they have both the Supernatural and human threats with the Sons of Lucifer sort of looming over them as well as the supernatural beings that have sort of been let in by Manfred. And overall this was such an entertaining and really fun episode that I'm so curious to see where it's going to go next and what's going to happen in the story.

Will Season 1 Episode 5 "The Marriage of True Minds " Review

An unexpected arrival sends Will's world spinning; a transcendental experience leads Marlowe to deal with his past; Topcliffe deciphers a code that throws Will into a life-and-death situation.  

This was a really great episode that took the story in a bit of a different turn and really was its own story but still, it was interesting to watch everything play out. And finally fully meeting both Will's family and Topcliffe's family was interesting to see how both these families interacted with their lives since I've changed so much since they last saw them. All the moments with Will adjusting to having his family there was interesting with him wanting to enjoy his time with them but also kind of wanting them to leaves when he can go back to the life he's grown in London. And it was interesting to see how Alice reacted to and being around Ann, and how Ann somehow knew that Will and Alice were seeing each other so all that chaos going on with very interesting to see how it all played out. And then just watching Will want this life in London where he is successful and stuff but also not wanting to leave his family that he's grown behind in order to get fame, so he's trying to live both those worlds at once was just so interesting to watch. Then with Topcliffe's kids and them actually seeing what he does for a day was interesting to see how they reacted to it and what they really thought about it. Then the one beggar boy that I still can't remember the name of showed up again this episode and he just still is as annoying as ever I don't understand why he's there and they tried to make some kind of connection between him and Will in this episode but it didn't happen so it was just really kind of annoying it pointless to have him included in this episode again. Then the scenes with Marlowe we're very interesting  with him still going through all these different tasks to try and  find some sort inspiration or something  because his mind is just gone blank so all the really really dark stuff that he got in to doing in this episode was kind of cool to see how what kind of lengths he went to. And with how this episode ended I'm so curious to see how Will's going to continue on going between this line of being with his family and growing as a successful writer. Just overall this was a really interesting episode that wasn't the greatest and really wasn't all that important of an episode but it was still really fascinating to see how everything played out.