Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Flash Season 3 Episode 19 "The Once and Future Flash" Review

Barry travels forward in time to 2024 to find out Savitar's identity and save Iris' life.

This was a really entertaining and fun episode that was so interesting to see how they would make everything work. All the moments were Barry went into the future to discover some more information about Savitar were really great because it was cool to see where everyone ended up after Iris's death. I really loved how Cisco kept trying to keep the past Barry around and tried to get him to help fix all the problems that were going on in the future. The moments between the past and future Barry's were really great with them talking about the pain of losing Iris and the past Barry not being abe to even guess what it feels like to lose her. I do wish however that their conversation could have been a little less vague. The device the future Barry gave to the past Barry that had all the plans on how to capture Savitar is very interesting and I can't wait to meet this scientist who helps the future Barry. Killer Frost going and teaming up with Savitar is really interesting with Savitar's promise to Killer Frost being that if she helps him he will erase Catlin from her forever. I'm a little annoyed that they decided to end this episode just a few seconds short of reviling who Savitar is because I really want to know, and luckily the next episode is the one where Savitar's identity is supposed to be reviled so I'm looking forward to that. And just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch. 

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