Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 16 "What If..." Review

Daisy and Simmons uncover secrets and lies in a world gone mad. With Hydra in control, they are our only hope to save everyone.

This was a really interesting and great episode that going into it I really didn't know what to expect and it was so entertaining to watch. I was wondering what they were going to do with Simmons since in the last episode they showed her as dead in the framework. I was really interesting how everyone fit into this framework world and how each of them reacted when confronted by either Daisy or Simmons. All the Simmons parts were really great with her wandering around seeming like a crazy person and getting into a whole bunch of trouble because of it. I'm curious to know why in this perfect world for everyone the world is run by Hydra and is all evil, why did Aida think that was the best option. I'm still not all that happy about the idea of Ward being back because I really just want his character to die and finally stay dead, the actor who plays him is really great but it is annoying that every season they have to find some way to bring him back into things. I really like the idea that Aida is in control both inside and outside the mainframe and I can't wait to see how that will all play out. The ending of this episode was really great with Daisy getting one of the tea members remember who they are. And just overall this was a really entertaining episode and I can't wait to see what they will do next.      

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