Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 22 "Strife on Mars" Review

The team attempts to extract a pair of scientists trapped inside a failing and dangerous bio-dome designed for Mars.

This was a really interesting and fun episode that was really entertaining to watch. I really liked the two scientists who were trapped and had to deal with each other through these terrible conditions. I liked how both Happy and Toby related to the two scientists and saw how terrible their relationship went after being together all the time. It was interesting all the different things the team inside of the dome had to deal with and I kind of liked that they had everything they needed to fix all the problems they had to deal with. I kind of liked how they guy running this how bio-dome operation just ran away when things started to go wrong and how most of these problems the team had to deal with was because the guy skipped out on some money. The parts with Sylvester and Cabe were kind of unnecessary but it was still fun how they had everything they needed to get the team out of the bio-dome was inside the party bus. Then Walter having all the visions about what he did when he got launched into space was interesting with how the rest of the team debt with it but why did they take so long to get back to that story idea. Then the ending of how Walter decided to deal with the team lying to him was very harsh and I'm curious to see how the rest of the team will fix that problem. And just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode and I'm curious to see where they will go next.       

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