Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 17 "Identity and Change" Review

As Daisy and Simmons struggle to discover an escape route to the real world, the identity of the Inhuman leader of the Resistance is revealed.

This was a really great and interesting episode to watch how everything played out and who truly ended up on which side. I liked how they introduced Mack in this episode with him sort of being on his own and forced into the problems that everyone else is in the middle of. I also really liked how Adia managed to convince Fitz that they are in the real world and everyone else who is bothering them are from an alternate universe that wants to kill them all. The moments with Radcliff were great with him trying, to tell the truth to Fitz and just couldn't get through to him. All the moments with Daisy were really interesting with her running around trying to not get caught by Hydra with all the terrible things she was doing. The moments with Colson and Simmons were really great with Colson still trying to figure out what is real in his life and what isn't. Then bringing Mace back into the mix is really great and I kind of want to know if in this reality Mace might actually have inhuman abilities. And just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode and I can't wait to see what happened next.  

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