Friday, February 26, 2016

Young and Hungry Season 3 Episode 1 "Young & the Next Day" Review

Gabi's mind plays tricks on her during a road trip to the desert; honeymooners Elliot and Alan return home following a lovers' spat; Josh misses a chance at love.

This was a fun comeback episode to start off the season but it seemed to all sort of go down really fast. Usually, it would take a few episodes to really get everything going again between Gabi and Josh after things like how last season end go down. But with this episode it seemed everything was covered and everyone but Jake is nice and happy. I did really enjoy the joke where Jake is dreamy to everyone and the car repair man becoming obsessed with him after he and Gabi left the repair shop. Josh and Sofia going on a road trip to track Gabi down was also really fun and I didn’t know that Sofia didn’t have a driver license. Elliot and Alan’s little dispute in this episode was pretty lame and felt like just a way to include them in this episode. Overall this was a fun episode and I want to know where this season is going to go. 

The Flash Season 2 Episode 9 "Running to Stand Still" Review

The Weather Wizard returns to break Captain Cold and the Trickster out of Iron Heights, leaving Barry to stop the trio from taking over Central City during the holidays; Joe and Iris meet Wally West.

This was a really amazing episode that I absolutely loved. Bringing back three of the amazing villains of the Weather Wizard, Captain Cold, and the Trickster and haveing two of them working together to try and bring down The Flash was really cool. I liked that Iris finally told Joe about his son and I can’t wait to see the next episode and see how that will be explored even more. Patty going a little out of control because of her hatred for the Weather Wizard was a little fun to see but it did get a bit out of control. Wells and Zoom’s meeting and the deal was a little weird mostly because I can’t remember if the actual deal was fully discussed because I can’t remember it at all. All I know is Wells has to do something in order to get his daughter back. The idea of the bomb presents being scatted all over Central City was also a really cool idea especially with how Wells and Cisco decided to deal with it. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can’t wait to hopefully see more of Wally in the next one.   

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Code Black Season 1 Episode 12 "The Fog of War" Review

A love triangle starts to form as the doctors treat patients from a multi-vehicle accident; Malaya disregards Carla's wishes and stays by her side as she delivers her baby.

This was a really great come back episode after a holiday break. I loved the beginning where it is where the last episode left off with all the residents stuck out in the crash scene. It was really interesting to watch and see how each of the characters got out of the situations the last episode left them in. But it was weird how fast Cristina's arm healed because it was all wrapped up in the last episode and in this one it was as if it had never been injured. The "love triangle" between Mario, Angus, and the nurse I really don't care for because I know the nurse is just going to end up with Mario so why try and make it any different. Especially when Mario and Angus were just starting to get along and this love triangle is just going to ruin that. Malaya and the baby was a nice story but it was also very predictable, I even guessed it a few episodes back. Neal and Leanne being punished for what they did in the last episode I feel would be a good idea but what would this show do without them. Overall I really enjoyed this episode even though it had some boring parts to it.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 15 "Da Bomb" Review

The members of Team Scorpion are asked to help NASA with a top-secret rocket launch, but they must sabotage their own mission when Walter's date finds a bomb strapped to her chest.

This was a very fun episode to watch with the group split up in a very different way. For the main mission only Happy, Sylvester, and Cabe went to deal with the rocket while Walter, Page, and Toby stayed to deal with the bomb. And I really like that  with the main mission getting a bit of a break from Walter's possible stupid ideas depending on how he was feeling that day. The rocket parts were nice but really felt like filler to split up the part of dealing with the bomb. The idea of putting the bomb in a Jell-O-like substance to make the blast less survive I think was a really brilliant idea, but I don't think in real life it would have turned out as well as it did. The whole situation with Walter and his date was a little weird and seemed kind of unnecessary in my mind, but it did make somewhat of a good story to have someone they know that they have to deal with the bomb with. The person who was actually the main bad guy I was not expecting but it does make me happy that he won't be making a come back again. Overall this was a really nice episode and a really enjoyable watch.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Galavant Season 2 Episodes 9 and 10 "Battle of the Three Armies" "The One True King (To Unite Them All)"

Under Madalena and Wormwood's spell, the zombie army revolts against Galavant. Meanwhile, Richard goes after Wormwood. Elsewhere, Gareth tries to reason with Madalena, but she is driven to learn how to use her newly acquired dark dark magic.

This was a really great final two episode to wrap everything up. I did really enjoy episode nine and it was all about the battle and the ending where they were trying to decide if they would all truly die or not and thy all basically came to the conclusion the if there was a chance of a third season then they probably will all be fine. The reunion between Galavant and Isabella I didn't really care for, I could see that it was supposed to mean something but it really came across to me as boring and almost unnecessary of a moment. The ending fight between Wormwood and Richard was really great and I loved the joke were Richard kept taking the sword out and putting it back into the stone. The ending was great with the bringing back of the monks to sing the ending song and I hope there is another season because I want to see what happens with Madalena, and I want to see Tad Cooper again now that he is fully grown up. Overall, I really enjoyed these two episodes and I really hope there is another season.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 14 "Son of a Gun" Review

Sylvester's father, a retired general, asks the team for help when he thinks a dictator in Africa has uncovered weapons of mass destruction from World War II.

This was a really great episode that seemed to be about Sylvester and Walter. Sylvester's dad seemed a little crazy with how determined he was to get those plates out of enemy hands. The whole part with Walter and the dictator wanting him to build a rocket for them seemed a little out of place and random, with the fact that he picked Walter out specifically for it. The sand, water, and lime mixture that they made in this episode was really cool but I kind of want to know if it is as strong as the show made it out to be. The karaoke scene with Walter and Page was really great but also felt random and another useless Walter Page romance moment. At the end of this episode, the moment between Sylvester and his dad was really great and I kind of want to meet his mom, and I'm wondering if he has told them that he was married. Now all we have is to meet one of Toby's parents and we have seen the environment that each of them grew up in. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for the next one.  

Monday, February 1, 2016

Galavant Season 2 Episodes 7&8 "Love and Death" "Do the D'DEW" Review

Episode 7 
Richard, Roberta and Sid rush fatally wounded Galavant to a healer who has a magic potion that could save Galavant's life. While waiting for Galavant to recover, Roberta and Richard almost share a tender moment. Meanwhile, Madalena shares her true feelings with Gareth.

Episode 8 
As the battle between Hortensia and Valencia begins, Isabella and the Jester are ready to surrender, but when Isabella hears Madalena's demands, she returns to the Hortensia camp and rallies the troops to fight. Against Gareth's wishes, a frightened Madalena turns to Wormwood to teach her the evil magic of the "Dark Dark Evil Way," or D'DEW.

This was a really great episode and to some points probably my favorite episode so far. I loved the whole scene and song around Galavant's death. Richard and Roberta's relationship I'm really happy about and I kind of hope that the relationship continue. Even though now because of this episode the unicorn might not be around anymore. I really liked the fact that Hortensia has no really weapons to fight with so they have to use pots and pans and stuff. I really can't wait to see what Galavant and the zombie army he has will do when they get to the battle. I also liked that Wormwood got the save the dates wrong and ended up sending a letter of battle to Hortensia instead of a save the date for a wedding battle. Madalena now having evil magic I can't wait to see how that might turn out in a battle. Overall, I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see what the finally will bring.

American Horror Story Hotel Episode 9 "She Wants Revenge" Review

The Countess is reunited with her one true love; Donovan and Ramona take another stab at revenge; a careless decision lands Alex in hot water.

This was a really nice episode with a lot of really kind of strange parts to it. The Countess's wedding to the hotels newest owner happened in this episode as well as all her plans afterwards that happened a lot faster than I thought they would. Donovan's betrayal in this episode I was not really expecting because I was not expecting him to be as stupid as he apparently is. And I'm very curious to know what will happen with Ramona in the future not she seems to be fully stuck in the hotel. I feel like Liz might not survive for very much longer due to all the hatred she now has for The Countess. Alex and the vampire children is a story plot I really don't care much for and sadly I kind of hope all the kids die off because their so bad at being vampires. The Countess's reunion with her love I really didn't care for either, especially the plot where now they are trying to get rid of her loves wife because she has chosen to adapt to her new lifestyle. Overall this was a good episode, but not one that I really cared for.