Friday, June 22, 2018

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 15 "In Search of Lost Time" Review

Supergirl must work with J'onn to contain the chaos resulting from Myr'nn's psychic disturbances at the DEO; Mon-El teaches Kara fighting techniques he learned in the future for battling Worldkillers.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that had so many amazing moments to it. I really enjoyed the theme around this episode when it came to J'onn and Myr'nn which was the passing of the torch and how there is a moment in every life where the son has to step up and become the father. It was great how Myr'nn's anger and stress around his illness caused his illness to make everyone else around him lash out in anger at each other. So everything with Winn was really great with seeing him freak out at people around him. Then everything between Kara and Mon-El was really great with Kara finally getting all her anger towards Mon-El out but the only part that really confused me was how everything that she hated him for happened before they started dating so how could he be a horrible boyfriend because of them. The ending for this episode was really great with Kara and J'onn working together to convince Myr'nn to step down and let J'onn help him. the moments between Lenna and Samantha in this episode were also great with Lenna finally angering Sam enough to bring Reign out and show Sam the truth of who she is. Then just overall this was a really interesting and great episode to watch. 

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