Sunday, June 17, 2018

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 14 "Schott Through the Heart" Review

Following the death of his father, Winn must work with his estranged mother to stop a copycat Toyman.

This was a really great episode that was a little confusing to follow because some parts felt really random but still it was so much fun to watch. I'm a little sad that they decided to kill off the Toyman because I was really hoping that he would come back and try and be in Winn's life again and Winn has to deal with that now that he is at the DEO. Even though that didn't happen I'm really happy with what they did show by them introducing Winn's mother and showing the complex relationship they have because of Winn's father. I was really hoping that with how they were setting things up that they would have Winn's mother also be evil and crazy like the Toyman and that she was behind everything and for the most part they really set it up like she was going to be the villain by saying how she knows how each of the Toyman inventions work and how she'll do anything to make up for lost time and then Winn's mother turned out to not be all that important which was a little sad. Then the actual copycat was a little confusing because of she just kind of popped up at the end of the episode and we didn't really get much of a motive behind what she was doing or why she was just so random and made very little sense to me as to why she was there. I did really like the ending fight scenes with Mon-El and Supergirl teaming up to stop some of the copycat's killer inventions. Then overall this was a really great episode that had a lot of really entertaining moments to it. 

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