Friday, June 22, 2018

Legion Season 2 Episode 5 "Chapter 13" Review

An uneasy reunion leads to a shocking truth.

This was a really great and amazing episode that told such a great story and had so many fantastic moments. I really enjoyed the return of Lenny and everyone at Division 3 trying to figure out why she is there and if she is still working for the Shadow King. It was really interesting how they chose to show Lenny in this episode where she is a very broken person trying to put the pieces of her life back together again. Along with that, they kept bringing up how Lenny's eyes changed from brown to blue so clearly, the Shadow King gave her someone else's body. Which kept me thinking throughout the whole episode who have we encountered with blue eyes because I knew it had to be someone we've already met and not just some random person. Then I figured out who Lenny is a few seconds before they gave the first major hint which was in the scene where David finally confronts Lenny. Then everything around Oliver and the Shadow King was really interesting in this episode with them being on this mission that is a secret until near the end and Oliver sort of tells the Shadow King how he plans of escaping. Then the ending of this episode was so amazing and so sad with the character that was killed off so that Lenny could live. Then just overall this was a really amazing episode that had so many good moments to it and I can't wait to see what the next episode will bring.   

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