Monday, June 25, 2018

Code Black Season 3 Episode 4 "The Same as Air" Review

Willis and Rox arrive at the scene of a road rage accident. Elliot doubts his ability as a doctor when he's sued for his role in the death of a SWAT officer. Leanne discovers Ariel on an ice cream date with a young patient at the hospital.

This was a really great episode that had so many entertaining moments to it and it was so interesting to watch. Everything around the car accident was really interesting with the to main people in the accident going back and forth about whose fault it is and there is a slow reveal about what is actually going on. The moments between Willis and the oldest daughter in one of the cars was great with him slowly breaking down her walls and getting to the truth that she has been protecting her family from her stepfather's rage for a long time. Then the ending for this family in the car accident was so great with the oldest daughter finally standing up and saying that the stepfather is not allowed back in there house and when the mother sees the full extent of the stepfather's rage she steps back from defending him and protects her daughters. Then the other victim in the car accident who didn't make it was really sad with the moments between Jesse and the victim's wife, but it did end on a bit of a happy note with the wife discovering that she's pregnant. Everything around Elliot was interesting with him dealing with the stress of being sued and it's not the greatest of situations because Diego is doing very little to try and help him. The moments with Campbell were great with his ex-wife showing up and wanting to be a part of there daughters life again and in that, you really get to see every side of Campbell. Everything with Noa, Mario, and the drug-addicted patient was so amazing with how it brought back the same patient from the first season that Mario treated and how Mario helping this guy caused him to spiral back into his addiction. The ending moments between Mario and this patient was also amazing with bringing up the idea that if someone has an addiction and you know them it is seen as an illness but if it is someone and you don't know them it is seen as a problem that they need to get over, then Mario and this guy deciding to work together to help keep each other sober was such a touching and sweet moment. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what the next episode will bring. 

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