Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Minority Report Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot" Review

Dash is one of the twin precogs from the precrime program that was shown in the movie. But years after the precrime program has been abolished Dash is trying to use his visions of future murders to try and stop them before they happen. And with detective Lara Vega he works to try and save the mayors wife and hundred of other people.

This first episode defiantly did meet the excitement and hope I had for this show. Now I have yet to actually see the movie Minority Report so I'm not entirely sure if there was an references to the movie in the show. But even without seeing the movie I followed the show with ease following everything. I love all the seconds where Lara tells Dash that is he sees anything to tell her and the chaos of how each time that works out. And this is just the first episode so I can't really make my full opinion yet but I can say I'm really exited to see what happens next.

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