Monday, September 21, 2015

Gotham Season 2 Episode 1 "The Last Laugh" Review

Gordon looses his job at the GCPD and has to do some dirty deeds for Oswald in order to get back in. Barbra and Jerome along with other inmates get kidnaped from Arkham Asylum to be organized to work as a team. Bruce and Alfred try an brake into the safe that Mr. Wayne left behind.

This was a very good opener for the season and I'm exited to see where they are going to go with each of the characters. I found the blue gas that Zaardon spread was a little weird of a way to knock masses of people out. And the fact that the blue smoke only appeared when he was unconscious just didn't seem right. I loved the scene between the GCPD head and Oswald and Victor. And Victor is still probably one of my favorite characters in the series. Another character that is starting to grow in my favor is Jerome aka the joker I'm exited to see how his story unfolds and according to the season preview he seems to get into a lot of mischief. So over all I can't wait to see what they will do with the rest of the season with what happened in this episode. And I hope that some of the future villains of Gotham that they introduced last season each make a come back here.

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