Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Scorpian Season 2 Episode 1 "Satellite of Love" Review

A Russian satellite is crashing towards earth and team scorpion must put a stop to it. Are they able to stop the satellite before it hits California creating a nuclear explosion. Even when all the team is not working at there optimal best and secrets are being held.

I very good new season episode, but honestly not really a favorite of mine. This episode just had a lot to do with the growth of the relationship between Walter and Page. And they where trying to show Walter off his game but it all just seemed to drag on to long with so many different solution to one problem. The scene with Walter and Page in the weather balloon was just weird for why was the low pressure only effecting Page when Walter technically had a concussion. Over all I'm very exited to see what they'll do with the rest of this season but this episode I felt wasn't a very good opener for the season it was more of an episode for the middle when the writers know they have there audience hooked and plot really doesn't matter.

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