Tuesday, September 24, 2019

American Horror Story 1984 Episode 1 "Camp Redwood" Review

In the summer of 1984, five friends escape Los Angeles to work as counselors at Camp Redwood. As they adjust to their new jobs, they quickly learn that the only thing scarier than campfire tales is the past coming to haunt you.
This was a really great first episode that mostly just focused on developing some of the characters and the environment they are in. Two of these characters were interesting in the reasons why they decided to leave and escape to the wilderness. Xavier choosing to leave to escape from some kind of stalker coming for him which I'm excited to see develop in the future. Then Brooke leaving LA to escape the Night Stalker was such a great moment to bring the Night Stalker back from Hotel. The whole backstory around the camp was interesting with this supposed groundskeeper known as Mr. Jingles going mad and killing a cabin of campers then escaping from a mental institute the night of the camps reopening. I'm very interesting to see if Mr. Jingles is really the killer or if the new head of the camp is and Mr. Jingles got that blame. I really loved all the 80's horror movie stereotypes that played into this episode and I want to know if there going to stick to those stereotypes or flip the table and do something different. Then just overall this was a fun first episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.   

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Orville Season 2 Episode 1 "Ja'loja" Review

The crew faces personal challenges on their way to witness Bortus perform a Moclan ceremony on his homeworld.

This was a really fun episode that did a really nice job of reintroducing all of the main cast and establishing where they left off last season and showing some potential growth for them throughout this coming season. Everything around Bortus and the Ja'loja was really fun with how each of the different crew member sort of took the idea of going through this ceremony for Bortus and how they each chose to approach it was really interesting to see. Especially around Alara and Gordon where they needed dates to go to the ceremony otherwise, it would be seen as rude to show up alone to this kind of ceremony so both of them working to figure out who they can potentially take as a date and what all that means for them was really exciting to see. Then everything with Commander Grayson and Ed was really great with them sort of moving on to their own personal relationships away from each other. And Ed is grappling what that means now that Kelly is moving on with someone new and him not necessarily agreeing with that at first but then went to grow and except it to some degree. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode and I'm so excited to see what the season will bring.

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 8 "Three Dots" Review

A patient's treatment plan takes an unexpected turn when Max gets overly invested. Meanwhile, Reynolds celebrates his birthday with some help from the hospital and Kapoor grapples with a case that hits close to home.

This was a really great episode that had a bunch of really well-done scenes and each of the different stories told in this episode or so well done in really well detailed and had a good beginning and ending to each of them. Everything with Max and him dealing with this patient who has some form of cancer and has opportunity to get this surgery but it is much more likely that this patient will die on the operating table so Max dealing with this patient refusing to get the surgery and rather choosing to live a rather short but less painful life was an interesting thing to see how Max grapple that. And just that whole story told by this Rabbi about all these different comparisons to the Bible and all these different stories and stuff was really interesting to see how those comparisons were made. I'm still very confused and somewhat uncertain about the ending for Max we're through all this he decided to go with experimental surgery to cure cancer instead of the regular way and that just felt like a sudden turn that didn't quite fit his character in my opinion. Then everything with Dr. Reynolds and him dealing with not wanting to celebrate his birthday did make for some fun scenes but that was probably the weaker of the stories in this episode but it still did show some more of his character growth and getting to know his character more which was really interesting and entertaining to see. The moments with Dr. Kapoor were probably some of my favorite moments in this episode because his whole storyline revolves around this patient who has depression and her Asian heritage doesn't really believe in mental illness so they are struggling to grapple with how to help her when they don't necessarily believe that she's sick. And Kapoor dealing with those similar problems because he's someone who feels the same way and him going to this patient's mother and sort of working through how to approach this and how to truly understand that this is an illness that needs to be cured was really interesting to see. Then just overall this was a really entertaining episode and I'm so excited to see what they're going to do next especially with how this episode ended for Max.

The Flash Season 5 Episode 10 "The Flash & the Furious" Review

While Nora grapples with the revelation that Thawne killed her grandmother, Team Flash must stop the formidable team-up of a newly sprung from jail Weather Witch and Silver Ghost, a new meta-tech villain who can control engines and motorized technology. Meanwhile, Caitlin and Cisco discuss creating a meta-human cure.
This was a really interesting and well-done episode that did a really good job of continuing character growth for Weather Witch. Which lead to some really great scenes with Weather Witch trying to decide if she actually wants to help Silver Ghost or find a way back to prison and deal with the punishments she deserves. All the moments with Silver Ghost were a little weird because I could figure out why she was doing all the things she was doing. But it was fun to see her using her hacking abilities to mess with The Flash's suit so it made it more difficult for him to catch her. the moments round Cisco trying to decide whether or not to make a possible cure and Caitlin not agreeing at first did make for some interesting moments. But I don't really get why Cisco all the sudden want to get rid of his powers to me that really seems to come out of nowhere. The confrontation between Nora and Thawne was interesting and I kind of can't wait to see how the relationship develops in the future, and what will happen when the rest of Team Flash finds out. Then just overall this was a really interesting and fun episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 5 "Tagumo Attacks!!!" Review

A new fugitive is loose in 1951 Tokyo; As Constantine struggles to recover, Ray must look outside the team for help; Ava joins Nate and his family for an unconventional Thanksgiving dinner.
This was such a fun and entertaining episode that did a very good job with the whole storyline that was created around this big theme of having some sort of source to deal with your emotions and all the different forms that that can take for a different people. And I really enjoyed the whole concept and idea around the creation of Godzilla and how there was originally this other creature known as Tagumo that was created through this magical book that the director got a hold of and he used it to get all of his emotions out around the bombing of Nagasaki I believe and him working through that by creating a monster that could be the villain. And just how the team dealt with this monster and discover the truth around this book was really fun especially with how it eventually brought Mick and his ability to be a good writer into the mix and him using that as a weapon to essentially write his own story and own way to help them defeat this monster. Then Ray going on the side mission to track down where Nora is hiding so that she can come aboard the ship and save John was really interesting to see how all that played out. I especially loved the conversation between John and Nora where they talked about the differences between light and dark magic and how if Nora does accept and give in to her dark magic nature that is something that from that point on can never really go away and she has to learn to accept that it's going to be a part of her permanently and that just felt like such a touching moment to hear from Constantine and I just really loved it for that. Then everything with Ava and Nate was really fun with them meeting Nate's family and seeing where he comes from and why he's so agitated towards his family was really interesting to see because overall they seem like such nice people but they have this pressure and side to them to want Nate to be perfect, and to be like them and he isn't. That was just really interesting to see. Then overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode that had such a great storyline to it and it was so much fun to watch and see how everything played out.

Manifest Season 1 Episode 10 "Crosswinds" Review

Michaela's next-level callings are accompanied by hallucinations. Ben exploring Michaela's calling leads him to a new alliance and a powerful new adversary.
This was a very interesting episode that took a bunch of different directions and did a good job of setting up for where the story is going to lead with all the mystery surrounding the missing plane. Everything with Michaela in this episode was interesting with her looking into these weird callings she has that are going completely overboard, versus the weird voices and visions that she's had in the past and her trying to link it to different things. And she eventually makes this discovery around one of the missing but now found passengers were interesting with how she took it when this passenger started talking and her trying to figure out his whole back story. Then everything with the missing passengers that have now been found was great with them still being comatose and Saanvi sort of working to find a way to care for them until they are stable enough to take care of themselves again. Then Autumn Cox coming in and working against Ben and Michaela but also somewhat for them was interesting with how she initially wanted to get away and be friends with them but this mysterious Major and all the forces bring her back in to be their enemy was fun to see what's going to happen there once the truth comes out. Then everything with Jared was just odd with him still trying to grapple whether or not he loves Michaela or Loudes more. Then just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode and I'm really excited to see what they're going to do next.