Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Orville Season 2 Episode 1 "Ja'loja" Review

The crew faces personal challenges on their way to witness Bortus perform a Moclan ceremony on his homeworld.

This was a really fun episode that did a really nice job of reintroducing all of the main cast and establishing where they left off last season and showing some potential growth for them throughout this coming season. Everything around Bortus and the Ja'loja was really fun with how each of the different crew member sort of took the idea of going through this ceremony for Bortus and how they each chose to approach it was really interesting to see. Especially around Alara and Gordon where they needed dates to go to the ceremony otherwise, it would be seen as rude to show up alone to this kind of ceremony so both of them working to figure out who they can potentially take as a date and what all that means for them was really exciting to see. Then everything with Commander Grayson and Ed was really great with them sort of moving on to their own personal relationships away from each other. And Ed is grappling what that means now that Kelly is moving on with someone new and him not necessarily agreeing with that at first but then went to grow and except it to some degree. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode and I'm so excited to see what the season will bring.

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