Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 5 "Tagumo Attacks!!!" Review

A new fugitive is loose in 1951 Tokyo; As Constantine struggles to recover, Ray must look outside the team for help; Ava joins Nate and his family for an unconventional Thanksgiving dinner.
This was such a fun and entertaining episode that did a very good job with the whole storyline that was created around this big theme of having some sort of source to deal with your emotions and all the different forms that that can take for a different people. And I really enjoyed the whole concept and idea around the creation of Godzilla and how there was originally this other creature known as Tagumo that was created through this magical book that the director got a hold of and he used it to get all of his emotions out around the bombing of Nagasaki I believe and him working through that by creating a monster that could be the villain. And just how the team dealt with this monster and discover the truth around this book was really fun especially with how it eventually brought Mick and his ability to be a good writer into the mix and him using that as a weapon to essentially write his own story and own way to help them defeat this monster. Then Ray going on the side mission to track down where Nora is hiding so that she can come aboard the ship and save John was really interesting to see how all that played out. I especially loved the conversation between John and Nora where they talked about the differences between light and dark magic and how if Nora does accept and give in to her dark magic nature that is something that from that point on can never really go away and she has to learn to accept that it's going to be a part of her permanently and that just felt like such a touching moment to hear from Constantine and I just really loved it for that. Then everything with Ava and Nate was really fun with them meeting Nate's family and seeing where he comes from and why he's so agitated towards his family was really interesting to see because overall they seem like such nice people but they have this pressure and side to them to want Nate to be perfect, and to be like them and he isn't. That was just really interesting to see. Then overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode that had such a great storyline to it and it was so much fun to watch and see how everything played out.

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