Thursday, August 1, 2019

Elseworlds Review

Destiny is rewritten and Oliver becomes Barry Allen and he is now the fastest man alive and Barry Allen becomes Oliver and he is now the vigilante of Star city also called The Green Arrow.
This was a really entertaining and great episodes that did a good job of setting up for future crossover episodes as well as having a very fun and entertaining it story in itself. A lot of my complaints with the series of crossover episodes are weird because they're the exact opposite of my complaints about the Crisis on Earth X crossover because in Crisis on Earth X it had a problem that it was so slow and trying to fit everything into four episodes just it felt like they run out of storylines causing was so much filler. Whereas for Elseworlds crossover it felt so rushed and like it was really hard to keep up with everything that was going on with all their plans and stuff.
That being said everything with Barry and Oliver was really fun with them having to live each other's lives and have each other's powers and had to figure out how to make everything work was fun especially with Barry trying to be the weapon that Oliver has built himself to be and then Oliver trying to use Barry's Flash's power was so funny. Then giving Superman a bigger role and have him play a part in this series of crossover episodes was fun to see how he's been doing and what his plans are for the future with Lois and then him leaving Supergirl behind to defend Earth herself. The introduction of Batwoman was also really great where she is not a huge fan of Oliver and sort of giving off the presence of her wanting to protect our city and not really wanting Oliver and Barry they're causing distractions. With that I'm not a huge fan of Batwoman and I never really have been but I feel like Ruby did a really good job of portraying Batwoman and I'm very interested to see where that storyline might go in the future even though I might not watch her series.
Then everything with The Monitor and him having this idea of setting up the potential of the Crisis of the Multiverse and him trying to find the true heroes and the true Earth that will reign dominant was an interesting thing. And how everyone work together to defeat him was great where they had this idea of The Flash and Supergirl having to run and fly in opposite directions to slow down the Earth's rotation so that they could defeat him before he had the potential to change the story again wasn't an interesting tactic even though Oliver had to step in and change things to be able to save Barry and Kara's lives.
Which that leads to my idea that there is substantial chance that Oliver is going to die in the next crossover because he had to make some sort of deal with The Monitor in order to save Supergirl and The Flash and I feel like Oliver willingly gave up his own life to do so, but that's all saved for the Crisis of the Multiverse. I'm so excited to see what they're going to do for the Crisis of the Multiverse event because it is such a big storyline and I'm curious to see what they're going to do with it once everything ends because in the comic the ending led to several heroes deaths so I'm curious to see who might be killed off or if they're going to kill anyone off. Because in the comics  Supergirl died, so would they replace her with Oliver or potentially Superman which I think would be cool to see. And then the potential for Superboy to come in to fill his father's spot. Then also several other characters that have sort of become mainstays also died in the comics like with Lena Luthor so I'm curious to know if they'll kill her off and have her brother Lex become the new main bad or if they're going to trade places there and have Lex die instead. But anyways I'm so excited to see what they're going to do with the Crisis of the Multiverse crossover and overall this was a really fun series of episodes and I'm so excited to see what they're going to do next.

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