Monday, August 27, 2018

The Flash Season 4 Episode 18 "Lose Yourself" Review

Barry and the team find a way into the Thinker's lair; Ralph considers crossing a dangerous line to defeat him; Joe is concerned by Harry's recent behavior.

This was a really entertaining and fun episode that had a lot of great moments to it. Everything around the search for Edwin and the discovery that his powers give him the ability to cross dimensions was really great. Then the debate between Barry and Ralph on whether or on to kill DeVoe if they are given the chance was really great because you could kind of see both sides of the argument. The moments between Joe and Harry were interesting with Joe confronting Harry about his addiction to the thinking cap, but those moments also felt really weird and random even if they were justified. Then the whole final fight scenes were amazing with Killer Frost, Flash, and Vibe all being trapped and everything was up to the rest of Team Flash. The moments between Iris and The Engineer were great with them having a battle more or less of who cares more. Then Joe taking on one of the samuroid's I wish would have gotten more screen time because that is something I would have loved to see. Then Ralph deciding to take the non-lethal rout to stop DeVoe was really great to see even though it didn't end well for him. The ending moments of realization the while in the fight with DeVoe he did something that caused Catlin to lose Killer Frost was really heartbreaking. And just overall this was a really amazing episode that makes me really excited to see what will happen next.

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