Monday, August 13, 2018

Legion Season 2 Episode 9 "Chapter 17" Review

Inner demons take control.

This was a really interesting but slow episode that did have a lot of great moments to it. Everything around Melanie in this episode was interesting because we finally have gotten to see all of what she has been up to this season. Which basically has been that she has been taken over by Farouk through Oliver coming and talking to her about what she needs to do so that they can be back together. Which I did really love seeing some of the flashback moments of what things were like when Melanie and Oliver were younger as well as the good build up to the events that happened at the end of the last episode. Then everything with Cary and Kerry was great with them finally getting their mission from David on what they need to do to help him out which was they needed to deliver a weapon from Division 3 to this random parking lot outside of a motel. I really loved how this episode kept Cary and Kerry separated so they could interact with each other more and we could see the separation growing between Cary and Kerry. But having them separated so often and Cary's hard work to make Kerry more independent makes me really worried that something might happen to Carry. Then what was all going on with Lenny once she escaped Division 3 was really great because we saw her attempting to go back to her normal life but the want to help David was still there lurking in the back of her mind. The addition of having Amy come back as sort of a conscience for Lenny was a really great idea because they are such opposites of personalities and it just is a really great way to keep Amy around. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm excited to see what will happen next as the final showdown is about to start. 

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