Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Flash Season 4 Episode 17 "Null and Annoyed" Review

Barry and Ralph try to find the remaining bus metas before DeVoe gets them. However, Ralph's attitude frustrates Barry and they clash over what it means to be a hero. Meanwhile, Breacher returns to ask Cisco for a favor.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that had a lot of really fun moments to it. The main villain in this episode of Null was a little confusing on her powers because they didn't explain them greatly and they were just done really sloppily in my mind. Yes, it was really entertaining to watch Null float things in the air use that as her way to steal things and the problems that come to the Flash because of her powers. Then the conflict between Barry and Ralph was interesting to see especially by the end of the episode where both of them learn something out of the conflict and we got to learn a bit more about Ralph's backstory. I did really love the Iris finally called Barry out for his bullshit when it came to all his complaint about Ralph's attitude because it really did seem like from the beginning Barry was trying to turn Ralph into him which is just not right. Then everything with Cisco and Breacher was just such an amazing side story that was so funny. I didn't much care for how much Cisco was willing to lie just for the hope of seeing Gypsy again. But still, it was really great seeing Cisco and Breacher interacting with each other and the topic around how Breacher is too old now for his powers to work. Then just overall this was a really amazing episode that was so much fun to watch.  

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