Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Will Season 1 Episode 3 "The Two Gentlemen" Review

Will has an epiphany that could bring him success, yet he needs Alice's help. Meanwhile, a magnetic fugitive from Will's past comes forth with a dangerous obligation.

This was a really great and fun episode that was so interesting to watch everything play out. I really liked watching Will struggle with having a script that no one thought was good and was willing to work with. I did really like the scenes with Will and Alice working on the script and making it better to where The Theater is actually willing to put on the show. I also liked the moment where Alice's father told Will to stay away from Alice because he is a married man and she is a single woman looking for a husband but in the end that didn't really work out. The reunion between Will and his cousin was great to see his cousin finally playing a much more significant roll in an episode. The ending where Will is given all these Catholic documents by his cousin to give to the queen pleading for religious freedom is an interesting storyline that I can't wait to see how all that will play out and if Will will actually follow through with those planes and live up to the Catholic side of his life. The scenes with Marlowe were great with him struggling to write a new play and kinds of trying to find any kind of inspiration and just kind of showing that even the best have bad moments. And then the scene where Marlowe actually goes against his work as a spy for the queen and instead actually saves some Catholics from being captured including Will's cousin was really great. Then the moments with Richard were interesting to finally see this character as more than just a bad actor by giving him some personality and giving him some scenes that are just for him and don't involve Will were really kind of nice to see. And just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode and I can't wait to see what they will do next. 

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