Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Will Season 1 Episode 2 "Cowards Die Many Times" Review

Wracked with guilt over Baxter's arrest, Will confesses to the rebellious Alice. The theatre is threatened when a rival tries to lure the crowd-pleasing actor, Kemp, away.

This was a really interesting episode that didn't have a bunch to it but it still did a great job of expanding on the story more. It was very fun and interesting how they had all these Romeo and Juliet references throughout this episode with some of the things Will would say at certain moments. The moments of Baxter getting tortured were interesting to see especially with how it all ended with the churches saying that Baxter died of shame rather than that they tortured him to death. All the interactions between Will and Marlowe were really interesting to see how those two creative minds are similar and different. And I did like the moments with Will going around trying to find a way to keep all the actors around and gave them a speech of what he could do for them as their writer. But with that overall there wasn't much to this episode it had some fun and great moments but it was a pretty boring episode. 

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