Monday, May 16, 2016

Young and Hungry Season 3 Episode 4 "Young & Parents" Review

Josh and Gabi's relationship is tested when their parents meet; Sofia, Yolanda, and Elliot have a little too much fun at the movies.

this was a nice episode in comparison to the last two episodes but it really is starting to get a bit boring of a show. Bringing in and finally introducing both Josh's mother and Gabi's father was nice because I was wondering for a long time what they would be like, and I wasn't too far off in my guess. All the moments with the secondary group of Yolanda, Sofia, and Elliot was a better story part the brought up the themes of some of the racial stereotyping in America in a very comedic way and I enjoyed how that whole problem actually ended. Then the whole situation with Josh, Gabi, and there families I wasn't expecting it to go they way it did and it was funny when Josh made the comparison to the Lannister family. The ending of the episode was also not how I was expecting it to go but I'm actually excited to see where this might lead the group next. Overall this episode is a lot better than the past ones this season and I'm very happy about that. 

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