The final movie for this franchise has arrived (I hope). Full of well just battling between five different armies like the title says. There’s the elf’s, the dwarfs, the people of Lake Town, and like two armies of orcs that are really just one. so the real title should be battle of four armies where technically two are working together from the start and quickly join sides with a dwarfs so they all can fight the orcs so it's really just a battle like any other and Gandalf and Bilbo are somehow accidently in here just plainly for fandom purposes and oh look eagles. And before continue on I would like to say that it is the only Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movie I have ever seen (please don't hate me). And over all I thought it was really good, for all of it being just one battle and that's it for 3+ hours. And I still firmly believe that the trilogy would have been way better as just one movie cutting out a lot of the long parts like half this movie. Over all good movie amazingly done very well just really long. And mostly done that way for the hardcore fan base like my friends. I give it about a two and half star ratings and say only go watch it if you're a hardcore fan.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Hobbit Battle Of Five Armies Review
The final movie for this franchise has arrived (I hope). Full of well just battling between five different armies like the title says. There’s the elf’s, the dwarfs, the people of Lake Town, and like two armies of orcs that are really just one. so the real title should be battle of four armies where technically two are working together from the start and quickly join sides with a dwarfs so they all can fight the orcs so it's really just a battle like any other and Gandalf and Bilbo are somehow accidently in here just plainly for fandom purposes and oh look eagles. And before continue on I would like to say that it is the only Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movie I have ever seen (please don't hate me). And over all I thought it was really good, for all of it being just one battle and that's it for 3+ hours. And I still firmly believe that the trilogy would have been way better as just one movie cutting out a lot of the long parts like half this movie. Over all good movie amazingly done very well just really long. And mostly done that way for the hardcore fan base like my friends. I give it about a two and half star ratings and say only go watch it if you're a hardcore fan.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Red Band Society Review
Episodes "Pilot" "Sole Searching" "Liar liar pants on fire" "there's no place like homecoming"
A new series about a group of teenage kids in the hospital, or as the producers put it "the breakfast club in the hospital," but I feel it's more like Glee just not as much singing. There are six different kids all with different personalities and come from different walks of life with different illnesses. You got two boys with cancer, one boy in a coma, a girl with a bad heart, another with a eating disorder, and the final boy with lung problems. The actors of both the kids and the nurses/ doctor are really good at what they do and keeping with there characters personalities. But I feel like I said it is to much like glee but with less singing, it is fox trying to keep there audience of viewer with a same plot but different setting. I feel the show might survive for a while because of that but needs a little something to keep peoples attenchen, but I will keep watching it for right now. Now I will go into the nit picky stuff I didn't like so spoilers
I really didn't Kara's little minion girl I find her really annoying and pointless, I hope now that she is released from her duties she won't come back. Emma character I feel like will end up getting with Jordi but only to make Leo jealous and end up getting with him. And I'm really exited to find out in the next episode what actually happened to Charlie to put him in a coma.
A new series about a group of teenage kids in the hospital, or as the producers put it "the breakfast club in the hospital," but I feel it's more like Glee just not as much singing. There are six different kids all with different personalities and come from different walks of life with different illnesses. You got two boys with cancer, one boy in a coma, a girl with a bad heart, another with a eating disorder, and the final boy with lung problems. The actors of both the kids and the nurses/ doctor are really good at what they do and keeping with there characters personalities. But I feel like I said it is to much like glee but with less singing, it is fox trying to keep there audience of viewer with a same plot but different setting. I feel the show might survive for a while because of that but needs a little something to keep peoples attenchen, but I will keep watching it for right now. Now I will go into the nit picky stuff I didn't like so spoilers
I really didn't Kara's little minion girl I find her really annoying and pointless, I hope now that she is released from her duties she won't come back. Emma character I feel like will end up getting with Jordi but only to make Leo jealous and end up getting with him. And I'm really exited to find out in the next episode what actually happened to Charlie to put him in a coma.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
A to Z Review episode 1 "A Is for Acquaintances"
a very funny a new comedy about a hopeless romantic named Andrew who works at a internet dating website and a somewhat stuck up lawyer named Zelda and how they first met and stared going out. I feel that it is a really great show idea even though it feels like it has been done so many times before already. The two main leads are really good but all of there friends are a little too annoying. The hole thing of first sent Hirata concert and instantly fang I love with her is a little creepy. and the fact that the Zelda choice to lie saying it's not her only to revile the truth at the end of the episode was stupid I feel like they should have drug it out farther and slowly reviled it through several different episodes. But after all of that I will keep watching the show to see what happens next.
Gothem Review
Episodes "Pilot" "Selina Kyle" and "The Balloonman"
I have a very strong love for the Batman series. So when I heard about this TV show coming this fall I didn't know what to expect. And I have to say I am very happy with how the series seems to go so far. The series follows detective James Gordan and him first starting out in Gotham and his first big case, to quickly solve the murder of the Waynes. I absolutely love this series so far it has great actors to play all of these iconic heroes and villains, especially catwomen so far. You never really know what is going to happen next and you really want the rules of Gordan to rule out over the terrible laws of Gotham. There are a few things however that bugged me because they were not correct, first in this show the Waynes where berried in a graveyard and not outside there house like there suppose to be. Second Gordan's girlfriend is named Barbra which is actually the name of Gordan's daughter who eventually becomes batgirl. I mean it is early in the life of Gotham so he could sally break up with her and eventually name his daughter after her, which is a little weird. So far this series seems to be on a great trail to success and my favorite characters are Catwomen (Selina Kyle ) and of cores the one who will always be close to my heart the Riddler (Edward Nygma).
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Earth Day
For my school which is school of environmental studies earth day is a pretty big deal. So all today we got out of the basic classes and got to do all sorts of service projects. For me my project was starting up the school garden and get it growing. I did a lot of flowers along the pathway so it looks really pretty when the parents come for graduation of the seniors. Then I planted several different vegetables along the side. Now I gent to hope that others will help me to water the plants and keep them alive. I will fill up the watering can each day and hope that someone will water them at some point in the day other wise I will have to water them really early in the morning.
For my school which is school of environmental studies earth day is a pretty big deal. So all today we got out of the basic classes and got to do all sorts of service projects. For me my project was starting up the school garden and get it growing. I did a lot of flowers along the pathway so it looks really pretty when the parents come for graduation of the seniors. Then I planted several different vegetables along the side. Now I gent to hope that others will help me to water the plants and keep them alive. I will fill up the watering can each day and hope that someone will water them at some point in the day other wise I will have to water them really early in the morning.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Nintendo Rant
Now this isn't a rant about the company Nintendo or the fact they really haven't come out with anything good in a long time. (even though I would like to discuss that). But I want to talk about the fact that everyone I know seem to have grown up playing on Nintendo, and that is weir to me.
For me I grew up playing on the PlayStation and that is what I am familiar with and my little childhood heart goes to. And actually still now my heart is kind of there because all the video game consoles me and my brother own are Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, 3,and 4. So just by that you can see what I prefer. Now I do not have any when it comes to handheld where all I have is Gameboy, Gameboy advanced, SP, DS, DS lite, and 3DS, so Nintendo has won there. But when I was little I mostly was on the PlayStation flying around as Spyro, treasure hunting with Lara Croft, or going on adventures with ood. While everyone else was saving princess Peach, going on quests with Link, catching them all with Ash. Now I did do these things but not until I was like 11-12. So I am just wondering if my early childhood was different or if there are any others like me.
So leave in the comments below weather you grew up playing on Nintendo or PlayStation. Or if it some other system say cookies. Or you just don't play videogames leave sparkles.
For me I grew up playing on the PlayStation and that is what I am familiar with and my little childhood heart goes to. And actually still now my heart is kind of there because all the video game consoles me and my brother own are Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, 3,and 4. So just by that you can see what I prefer. Now I do not have any when it comes to handheld where all I have is Gameboy, Gameboy advanced, SP, DS, DS lite, and 3DS, so Nintendo has won there. But when I was little I mostly was on the PlayStation flying around as Spyro, treasure hunting with Lara Croft, or going on adventures with ood. While everyone else was saving princess Peach, going on quests with Link, catching them all with Ash. Now I did do these things but not until I was like 11-12. So I am just wondering if my early childhood was different or if there are any others like me.
So leave in the comments below weather you grew up playing on Nintendo or PlayStation. Or if it some other system say cookies. Or you just don't play videogames leave sparkles.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Unfinished Swan Review
Now as someone who loves kind of those maze puzzle games this was really fun and extremely adorable. It was truly a very smart move I think to tell the whole story of this game through Monroe's eyes and have you learn things along side him. And just the whole mane story plot while following the unfinished swan kept you guessing until the very end. And as someone who doesn't like to keep going strait down the path until you reach the end but someone who likes to find a way to comb every inch of a map before moving on I like the move of adding the hunt for the balloons and having to find and paint in the missing story pages. That coming from someone who got through the entire game collecting all but three balloons and 1 storybooks page which looking back I must have been an idiot to have missed that page. And they did a good job at slowly making each area harder. And if you have a PlayStation 3 I highly recommend you buy this at the store right now it's I believe $14.99 which is a little expensive I got it when it was free for a week it is a good mind numming game to help you calm down if you have been playing a lot of last of us or beyond two sols and just need a breather.
Now for you guys a question what video game system did you grow up on?
Monday, March 17, 2014
Friday, February 28, 2014
Sleepover Review
This review is on the movie the sleepover which i watched on Netflix. And this movie is a very average pre-teen movie. it is about a group of girls having and end of the school year sleepover and the popular girls challenge them to a scvenger hunt for a spot during lunch the following school year when they all start high school. The tree task are to dress some maicans at old navy in your clothes, get a guy to buy you a drink and a club, and then get a pair of boxers from a guy that the main charicter likes.
Over all I think it was a good pre-teen movie for 2006 especially if it was made for TV and not for theaters which I believe it was. It had a lot of funny and awkward moments in it and even though it goes like most movies go it still made you want to stick around and watch to see who wins. And it had a lot of good actors in it. I give the movie three happy faces. :) :) :)
Over all I think it was a good pre-teen movie for 2006 especially if it was made for TV and not for theaters which I believe it was. It had a lot of funny and awkward moments in it and even though it goes like most movies go it still made you want to stick around and watch to see who wins. And it had a lot of good actors in it. I give the movie three happy faces. :) :) :)
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Brothers Review
for this review it is on the game Brothers tail of two sons. This game focuses on two brothers and there journey to find this magical medicean to heal there sick father. And the younger brother witnessed there mother drowned and is now afrade of water.
I think that it was a very well done game in total even though I kind of wish it might have been a little longer. It was very well done artistically and story wise. But with me not being very hand eye coordinated it was quite humerous to watch me play because the game controller is split in half were there left side controls big brother and the right side controls little brother. And I would tend to forget a lot and would be the wrong person. The ending I was sadly not very happy with but all the rest was great challenge.
I originally bought the game off of the PlayStation store while it was free now it is $14.99 at the store unless you have PlayStation plus were it is still free until the end of this month. I think it is a good buy if you want a good mind numbing game to cool off to after playing a very stressful game like me where I'm replaying all the Bioshocks. So I give this game four out of five flower pictures

Saturday, February 22, 2014
Reign Review
Reign is a new TV series that entered CW last fall. But due to the countless other TV shows I wanted to watch I never got around to this in the fall. I just started this on Thursday and am all ready through episode seven. I think it is a definite watch if your interests are historical dramas.
The show fallows Mary Queen of Scotts and her engagement to the future king of France. And the queen of France wanting to not let the mirage happen due to a seer telling the queen the marriage would be the death of her son.
I find the whole series very interesting in the whole story plot and there good job at keeping everything very historically accurate, unlike Bates Motel but that will be another review. There are how every a view things in the series that bugs me. One being the once again love triangle in the series between Mary, the future king of France Francis, and the King's bastard Sebastian. And I really am starting to hate all these love triangles whenever the lead careicter is a female she has to have two men fighting over her and then groups start up were you have to pick on guy over the other, and it is not very realistic. second there is at the time a battle going on between England and Scotland and all Mary sees to be concerned about is her marriage to Francis. Yes her marriage to Francis would help in the war but not as much as being there for your people. Third how much power does Mary's mother have because Mary is queen so what dose that make her mother. Finally it seems like everyone doesn't just want Queen Elisabeth not to be the next queen of England but the want her dead.
Those are just some of the things that bug me in the series, but all in all I give the series so far :-P :-P :-P :-P four silly faces out of five and once again say you would watch it if you are in to historical dramas. And I think it is worthy of a second season.
The show fallows Mary Queen of Scotts and her engagement to the future king of France. And the queen of France wanting to not let the mirage happen due to a seer telling the queen the marriage would be the death of her son.
I find the whole series very interesting in the whole story plot and there good job at keeping everything very historically accurate, unlike Bates Motel but that will be another review. There are how every a view things in the series that bugs me. One being the once again love triangle in the series between Mary, the future king of France Francis, and the King's bastard Sebastian. And I really am starting to hate all these love triangles whenever the lead careicter is a female she has to have two men fighting over her and then groups start up were you have to pick on guy over the other, and it is not very realistic. second there is at the time a battle going on between England and Scotland and all Mary sees to be concerned about is her marriage to Francis. Yes her marriage to Francis would help in the war but not as much as being there for your people. Third how much power does Mary's mother have because Mary is queen so what dose that make her mother. Finally it seems like everyone doesn't just want Queen Elisabeth not to be the next queen of England but the want her dead.
Those are just some of the things that bug me in the series, but all in all I give the series so far :-P :-P :-P :-P four silly faces out of five and once again say you would watch it if you are in to historical dramas. And I think it is worthy of a second season.
Friday, February 21, 2014
I'm Back
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted anything in a while but I created this blog at first with no real intent. And in the end left because I had no idea what to do with it. But now I do this whole bog will be about me some of my videos that I post on YouTube, my own personal reviews on books movies and video games, and my very own custom designs weather it is clothes, pillows, stuffed animals or other products I will give little DIY ipso on how to do it your self in the most BallerinaNeena way. So it you want to come join and see what I do welcome to the family I hope you choose to stay and come a long on this bogging journey together with me.
P.S. I might post some of my stories I'm working on and pictures of my cat Dweezil
Lots of love
P.S. I might post some of my stories I'm working on and pictures of my cat Dweezil
Lots of love
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