Saturday, February 22, 2014

Reign Review

Reign is a new TV series that entered CW last fall. But due to the countless other TV shows I wanted to watch I never got around to this in the fall.  I just started this on Thursday and am all ready through episode seven. I think it is a definite watch if your interests are historical dramas.
The show fallows Mary Queen of Scotts and her engagement to the future king of France. And the queen of France wanting to not let the mirage happen due to a seer telling the queen the marriage would be the death of her son.
I find the whole series very interesting in the whole story plot and there good job at keeping everything very historically accurate, unlike Bates Motel but that will be another review. There are how every a view things in the series that bugs me. One being the once again love triangle in the series between Mary, the future king of France Francis, and the King's bastard Sebastian. And I really am starting to hate all these love triangles whenever the lead careicter is a female she has to have two men fighting over her and then groups start up were you have to pick on guy over the other, and it is not very realistic. second there is at the time a battle going on between England and Scotland and all Mary sees to be concerned about is her marriage to Francis. Yes her marriage to Francis would help in the war but not as much as being there for your people. Third how much power does Mary's mother have because Mary is queen so what dose that make her mother. Finally it seems like everyone doesn't just want Queen Elisabeth not to be the next queen of England but the want her  dead.
Those are just some of the things that bug me in the series, but all in all I give the series so far :-P :-P :-P :-P four silly faces out of five and once again say you would watch it if you are in to historical dramas. And I think it is worthy of a second season.   

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