Thursday, March 27, 2014

Nintendo Rant

    Now this isn't a rant about the company Nintendo or the fact they really haven't come out with anything good in a long time. (even though I would like to discuss that). But I want to talk about the fact that everyone I know seem to have grown up playing on Nintendo, and that is weir to me.
    For me I grew up playing on the PlayStation and that is what I am familiar with and my little childhood heart goes to. And actually still now my heart is kind of there because all the video game consoles me and my brother own are Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, 3,and 4. So just by that you can see what I prefer. Now I do not have any when it comes to handheld where all I have is Gameboy, Gameboy advanced, SP, DS, DS lite, and 3DS, so Nintendo has won there. But when I was little I mostly was on the PlayStation flying around as Spyro, treasure hunting with Lara Croft, or going on adventures with ood.  While everyone else was saving princess Peach, going on quests with Link, catching them all with Ash. Now I did do these things but not until I was like 11-12. So I am just wondering if my early childhood was different or if there are any others like me.
      So leave in the comments below weather you grew up playing on Nintendo or PlayStation. Or if it some other system say cookies. Or you just don't play videogames leave sparkles.

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