Saturday, November 2, 2019

Emergence Season 1 Episode 2 "Camera Wheelbarrow Tiger Pillow" Review

As Jo continues to search for answers, a mysterious man's appearance in town may cause problems for the family. Piper tries to understand her new abilities while connecting with the family.
This was a very good episode that did a nice job of building off of a lot of the big moments that they established in the pilot episode and sort of creating a world of mythos around Piper and her mysterious abilities. Everything with Benny and Jo was interesting with them continue on a quest to figure out what happened in this mysterious plane crash and how Piper is connected to it all and the recovery of this weird transistor radio that is emanating off of weird frequency when magnets get too close to it I'm very curious to see what's all going to happen there once they uncover whatever this message is that's going out. Then everything with this mystery man that's going around and collecting everything that's in connection to the plane crash or Piper was really well done with how they chose to sort of establishing him especially in the moments of him actually breaking into Jo's house. The only confusing part to me was what was he actually after because in some parts of it and made it seem like he was after Piper but then other moments made it seem like he was after the weird microchip that they collected in the previous episode and if he was after the microchip then why was the weird tracker device tracking Piper. And when he found Piper why didn't he just grabbed her rather then telling her to keep quiet that was really kind of confusing how all that played out. Then the whole ending conflict scene between Jo and this mystery man was very entertaining to see where she use the weird unnatural gravity forces and magnetism to her advantage to eventually subdue him and get him to start to confess everything that's going on. Then the ending of this episode makes me really excited to see what they're going to do next and how more of the truth around Piper is going to eventually be revealed. And just overall this was a really entertaining episode and I'm really excited to see what they're going to do next.

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