Friday, November 1, 2019

American Horror Story 1984 Episode 2 "Mr. Jingles" Review

Darkness descends upon the camp. Although it's lights out, evil has no curfew.

This was a really interesting and great episode that did a good job of building off of the story that was established in the previous episode as well as getting to know more of the characters and why they are in the positions they are in. The whole back story around Brooke and why she chose to move to LA was an interesting story with her escaping a rather murderous wedding and wanting to hide away and start over. Then the reveal around who Xander was talking to on the phone in the previous episode with it being this very skeevy agent who I was trying to push Xander to do things he didn't want to do and that led to a great moment with Xander eventually giving up Trevor to the agent so that he could go free. The whole scene with the Night Stalker and the hitchhiker was kind of confusing with how they chose to shoot the scene because it was supposed to show that the hiker can't die because he's already dead but the way they showed it made it seem like they mistakenly killed him twice and forgot to cut out one of the different killings because they didn't really show him getting back up which I think is an important scene they just showed Richard killing him and then they went to a different scene and then went back to showing Richard killing him again and that made things really confusing for a bit until they later established, oh he's dead already from Mr. Jingles. Then the whole scene between Margaret and Richard was very interesting with their conversations around their motives of why they do what they do and why their beliefs impact those actions. I'm very curious to see what's going to happen in the future when Richard and Mr. Jingles potentially go head-to-head. Then I really enjoyed how they continue to play off of a lot of the 80's horror movie cliches with the group deciding to split up into two smaller groups to go and find the keys to the last remaining cars and that causes problems with there being two killers on the loose. And with how this episode ended I'm really excited to see which one of the groups ended up with which killers. Then just overall this was a really exciting and great episode and I cannot wait to see what they will do next.

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