Thursday, April 25, 2019

Manifest Season 1 Episode 9 "Dead Reckoning" Review

When Ben and Michaela put everything on the line to save the other missing passengers, the mission goes horribly awry and not everyone makes it out alive.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had a very great storyline to it that was great to see play out and bring up the tension. All the steps that everyone went through to finally uncover were the missing passengers are being held and how everyone played into things was great to see everyone working together. I did have a problem with how heavily Jared is following Michaela and wouldn't really let her do anything on her own. Seeing Ben and Vance working together was great to see that Vance truly is a good guy just trying to figure everything out. Then Cal showing up and helping everyone figure things out because of his visions was really great especially with the moment with him making the comment the Ben is the only one who can guide everyone to safety was weird but great with Ben seeing a path that no one else could see. Which then lead to the other group that wasn't with Ben getting lost and hurt. Killing off Vance was surprising and I'm very curious to see what they might happen now that he is no longer there as a higher up to help. And I'm also curious to see what might happen to all these missing passengers now that they are saved but still comatose. Then overall this was a really great episode and I'm so excited to see what will happen next.  

Charmed Season 1 Episode 7 "Out of Scythe" Review

When Harry informs the sisters that Hilltowne is a portal to hell, they must band together to fight off a shadowy demon trying to obtain a collection of powerful magical artifacts.

This was a really interesting episode that had some good moments to it and some moments that were a little hard to follow. Everything around the gathering the pieces of the scythe and figuring out who is after it was great. Especially with all the other kind of mystical creatures that the sister encountered. Then everything with Maggie and Parker possibly starting a relationship now that they are free from possibly hurting Lucy is an interesting thing that I wonder what is going to happen going forward once more secrets are revealed. Mel working through what she wants to do with her life with time rewriting things was interesting with the new weird electric witch showing up to add a new love interest to her life. Macy being given the task of firing Galvin was great with Macy working to figure out which is more important her new job or her friendship with Galvin. The only problem I had with Macy's scenes how easily she managed to save Galvin and prove his important by basically saying that Galvin is a good friend to everyone. Then overall I'm curious to see what will happen next now that the scythe is all put together. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 8 "Bunker Hill" Review

Nia has a powerful dream about Agent Liberty but refuses to look at it as a prophetic dream and pushes it aside. After noticing something is bothering Nia, Kara enlists Brainy's help, and the two try to persuade Nia to embrace her destiny. Meanwhile, Manchester Black pays Ben Lockwood a menacing visit.

This was a really great episode that was so well done in its storyline and had a lot of great moments to it. Everything with Brainy and Nia was great with Brainy helping to guide Nia though her dreams to figure out what everything means and where the attack is taking place and just really helping Nia to control things more rather than just living through her dreams. Then all the scenes with the three of them going to this small town to hunt down Ben Lockwood was great with them seeing more of the reach of the Children of Liberty and having to avoid getting into to much trouble. Manchester Black's confrontation with Lockwood was great with Lockwood's wife learning what Ben has been up to. And just seeing all the conversations and fighting between Manchester and Lockwood was really great. Then the final moments with Ben being arrested for his actions and seeing the public outcry for his arrest was interesting to see. Then just overall this was a really entertaining episode that was so great to watch.