Monday, March 21, 2016

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 16 "Fractured" Review

When a powerful earthquake hits LA, Team Scorpion must prevent a pinched gas line from causing a massive explosion.

This was a really great episode that split up the group again. With the earthquake hitting L.A. it split the whole team into three different groups. Toby and Walter are in downtown L.A., Sylvester and Ralph and down near the beach and the rest of the team are back at the main hub. The story line with Walter and Toby where there relationship was having trouble and through this episode they learn to work together was really great and really funny with all the point in this episode that they had together. Sylvester and Ralph working together to get to the switch to turn off the gas line was also really great with how it basically all was Paige's worst nightmare of a day that could happen to Ralph. The rest of the team then saving a family from some electrified water was nice but not the greatest of story plots in this episode. Over all this was a really fun episode with a lot of great moments to it.

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