Wednesday, February 20, 2019

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 7 "Domino Effect" Review

With a big domino transplant procedure on the line, Max must decide if he can be present in the hospital while also dealing with his illness. Meanwhile, a bond with a patient makes Bloom consider her personal life and Iggy makes progress on a long-standing case.

This was a really great episode that had some entertaining moments to it and set something up for what is to come. Everything around the transplant chain was interesting with one of the people stepping out and others not wanting to step forth to keep the chain alive. And that slight bit of selfishness was really great were they all brought up why should they help someone else if there own loved one wouldn't get help. Max just working overtime to try and keeping this going and finding a new donor was all just interesting to see. Then the storyline around this little girl with failing lungs because of where she grew up was some of my favorite moments of this episode. Just seeing Bloom relating to this little girl and really being there for her as she is afraid of everything that is going on. And the sudden realization that the father is not a match to save his daughter but he is a match to save transplant chain. That lead to one of the best moments in this episode where all these people stepped up to be tested to save this little girl because her father was willing to step in and help all these other people. Then Iggy working and helping Jenna to adjust to the idea of moving into a new foster family and being there for her every step of the way was just really sweet to see. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and sweet episode to see how everything turned out.

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