Tuesday, February 26, 2019

American Horror Story Apocalypse Episode 10 "Apocalypse Then" Review

The witches prepare for a final epic battle with Michael.

This was a really interesting but disappointing episode because they made all this setup for this big witch vs antichrist fight just over it to fizzle out and be nothing really at all. Everything at the bunker and leading on where episode three left off started out great with all the people who came back and all the back and forth but there Michael just kind of ripped through all the witches without much effort which was all the entertaining to see. The one line by Cordelia and how there will always be witches coming for Michael because he is one and the witches are a legion.

Everything with the time travel ended up with it being a lot of my fears because the time travel concept is something that is hard to maintain and control especially when not introduced right away. So the time travel was completely messed up in this episode compared to the previous episode because last time it showed Mallory only being able to travel for a short time and then went back to her current time while what happened in this episode showed her fixing things and then sticking around back in time and remembering all of what happened previously. So that makes little sense to me and I want to know it that means there are two Mallory's running around now or two Supremes running around in her and Cordelia. Then the fix to stop the Apocalypse also changed a lot of other things in Mallory sticking around and changing other things so like she brought Misty back and stopped Queenie from going to the Hotel Cortez so what changes did that effect in the big final fight at the Cortez.

And the way Mallory killed Michael was just really dumb and written off so heavily as a joke and undermined everything that this season set up for Michael. Which just really confused me because this whole season set up to make us feel for Michael and see where he is coming from so just to kill him off in a mundane way is just so odd to me. Then just overall this was a really weak and disappointing final episode to end an otherwise great season.   

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