Thursday, August 27, 2015

Young and Hungry Review Season 2 Episode 12 "Young and Back to Normal"

Gabi meets a new boy but is hesitant to start dating him in fear of what Josh will think. So Gabi manages to find a girl for Josh only to find out the Girl has a weird hobby, and finding out that her own new boy is homeless. In the end finding out that for both her and Josh weird seems to be normal.

A very well weird episode compared to the others. I realize this end of the season is working towards trying to rebuild the relationship between Josh and Gabi before Gabi left for Switzerland. But this episode defiantly feels like one of the bad ones in the season that they wrote to reach their 20 episode minimum in a season. Because this episode felt very awkward and off compared to the rest. Which I get there trying to introduce and develop characters but it just didn't fit. This what was a good but just really awkward episode.

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