Thursday, December 27, 2018

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 4 "Ahimsa" Review

Alex asks Lena and Brainiac to team up and help Supergirl; J'onn discovers new ways to help his fellow aliens after running into Manchester Black.
This was a really interesting episode that was a little confusing in its plot but it was still a really cool episode for all of what happened. Everything with Alex in this episode was interesting with her being under a lot of because of the kryptonite being in the atmosphere because of the device was stolen from the DEO. One part that bugged me was with Supergirl and how she refused to listen to Alex even after Alex explained some of the situations to Kara and yet after all that Kara didn’t listen and almost destroyed the suite and got herself killed. But it was also weird how Alex didn’t explain everything when telling Supergirl to stand down she could have said things like the “president and all these other people are telling me to tell you to relax and if you don’t I’ll get in trouble,” that would have made more sense in my mind. Instead, Alex goes and tells Supergirl to relax because she feels it is the best action, that is just less impactful and made it easy for Kara to not listen, and that kind of bugged me. It was interesting to see how Kara chose to fight in the suite because she really couldn’t use her powers besides flight and strength. Then everything with J'onn and Manchester was great with them working together to find there friend and how that all worked out was interesting and I’m really curious to see what Manchester will do next to get what he wants. Then the moments with Lena and Brainiac was fun with them working to get the kryptonite out of the atmosphere and seeing how each of them handles things was interesting. The other major part that bugged me was the Children of Liberty’s plan to make people more afraid. Where there plan involved creating alien attacks, in my mind how does that make sense because alien attacks happen a lot so why would these certain attacks make any difference for people. It was interesting to see what happened when James chose to step up and be Guardian again where he didn’t get in trouble for it but he was also praised by the anti-alien groups. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode to watch.