Friday, June 26, 2015

I just published "Silvia Vs Cameron" of my story "Seven Angles And Devils".

Thursday, June 25, 2015

New book I have to read for college

Black Mirror Review

A British adult branch of the twilight zone that will keep you head spinning in ever episode. I had know idea what this was when the first episode started and ended leaving me with so many unanswered questions and the second episode starts in a whole mew world not connected at all. It wasn't until I finished the first season (first 3 episodes) that I even realized, okay this is like the twilight zone. Each episode you think you can predict what's going on and what will happen next but trust me when I say no matter how crazy your guess is it will never reach the craziness of the actual endings to each episode. Each episode leaving my mind confused and hurting but still always begging for more. Each episode is so unexplainable in ideas ranging anywhere from the prime minister having sex with a pig, to a new form of criminal punishment, to a cartoon bear running for government. Each episode so dark and clever, and I recommended this series to anyone who liked the old twilight zone series or to anyone who wants a new dark mind turning series. (my brain still hurts from all the twists and turns of watching it even now)

I thought of a fun new quote for myself "my life is organized in rainbows"

I mean just look at my writing and reading supplies.